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Monday, March 21, 2011


Day 1 of 3 in Zombieland, NZ...can't communicate any longer...zombiefied.....BRAAAAAAAAINS!


  1. Would it be a bad thing if I were to admit that, out of all of the things you've ever done, I just might be proudest of this one?

  2. Uuhaaa *slowly and unsteadily walking with shuffling feet and reached out arms* ... Is this a place or a movie we're talking about here ? :)) Bjoern

  3. Just in case any of you are waiting on the edge of your seats for a photo of Zombie-Nessa with a machete through her head . . . not gonna happen, unfortunately. She had to promise not to post anything like that until the movie's out, if ever. For official photos and stuff on the movie, though, you can check it out on Facebook:!/isazh

  4. Oh, and the machete-through-the-head thing - I didn't just make that up. I am, in fact, waiting on the edge of my seat to see that.

  5. OK, so that I might be proud as Jeff, I'm trying to catch up here. Queries: Where can I see pix or find out more about this Zombie gig? Am I to understand that it is likely you will appear throughout the world in a cinema with a machete in your head? Is this a sequel to the 2009 movie, or what? Thank you very much for considering my inquiries.

    Slow Witted Dad

  6. Now I see something I did not before, Jeff's post explaining that the scene is top secret and blacked out until showtime. So there are now other questions.

    Also: OK and Carolyn will be visiting in late June or July, would love to have you guys up two and maybe stay for a few days on the North Shore.

  7. Also, this is Mamie's 86th birthday and we will be out on Lake Elmo at Paul and Nancy's celebrating. Ice is not out on lakes here yet and it's a very bright sunshiney and cold day (10 degrees last night)and we are not at all jealous of you being all toasty in Maoriland.
