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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Catlins, Southland (Chapter 4-2)

Rugged, remote, windswept, choc-a-bloc filled with sheep – that is the Catlins.  My most favourite spot is Nugget Point and its lighthouse – it is a vortex just crackling with good vibes!  Just right to balance the undead zombie stuff.  ;)  It was so powerful and awesome to have the whole place to myself at sunset – not a single human soul within at least a 1km radius (they were preoccupied with the yellow-eyed penguins down the road).  Woke up the next morning to a dazzling sunrise over a gorgeous beach hugged by steep cliffs, had fun poking around a funky gypsy gallery/”theatre” filled with the eccentric owner’s creations, FINALLY figured out how to order coffee the way I like it (“Flat White Extra Shot One Sugar, Please!”), poked around more gorgeous geographic wonders (Cathedral Caves and a 170mya petrified forest), then headed for the city and connection with the outside world once more.  Enough already of being so easily distracted by this panoramic vista-filled land and its zombie tribes – I have some work from home to finish once and for all!

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